Upload your final version

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Revision as of 12:17, 27 April 2022 by >Sbehnke
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Uploading pdfs and other files has been simplified. There is now only one link:

Upload files.PNG

Please click on "Upload File":

Here you can upload all important files for your submission. Some uploads are locked and are only available once certain criteria is met. For example you must upload your paper before uploading additional media files.

Add Files.PNG

1) If your paper is accepted, you should upload the final version of your paper choosing "CRC Paper (PDF)" from the drop-down menu, the final pdf will be shown with the suffix _CRC.

2) If you want to add videos or other multimedia material to your paper, so that they will be published together with the paper and go into the Digital Library, please choose CRC Media (ZIP). Multimedia files that were uploaded during submission will not be considered for publication.

3) Please upload your completed and signed exclusive license form choosing "Exclusive Right-to-Publish License Form".

Upload ELF.PNG

4) Please upload the LaTeX Sources (as zip file), this is required for the publication process.

Common mistakes:

-- besides the running headlines there has to be space for the page numbers. Please shorten the headline to accommodate for page numbers.

-- Formatting of figure captions: "Figure <number>" should be bold and the caption should be set in italics. Please compare the template. This is often caused by overwriting the default settings when using the figure, caption, or subfigure package. (try using: \captionsetup{labelfont=bf,textfont=it})