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The IPC uploader is a tool, which creates a matching between papers of an IPC member and uploaded papers of the authors.

Accessing the IPC uploader

If one of your conferences uses the IPC uploader you can access it through your IPC memberships. The IPC uploader uses the external login functionality from SRMv2. If your token expired please renew it by logging out and in into the SRMv2 system.

Accessing the IPC uploader

When the IPC Uploader is activated and has calculated your scores, you can also bid on the papers ordered by the scores of the IPCUploader

Bidding by IPCUploader

The IPC Uploader

The IPC uploader is a simple file uploading tool where you can manage your own papers.

IPC Uploader Main

manage Papers

When you press on Manage my Files, you can upload, download and delete your papers.

Manage IPC Files

How the IPC uploader calculates its scores: IPCUploader Calculation